Response 4-1
In order to answer my research question, it is important to have information from the student's perspectives on their college-going experiences and barriers. This will be answered by having the students complete fieldnotes of their experiences and opinions after each meeting. Additionally, I plan on writing journal entries after each mentoring meeting to see if my observations align with the students'. Also, I anticipate using a survey to measure perceptions of college-going barriers as well to help with the validity of the study.
Response 4-2
As mentioned above, I plan on using documentation, direct observations, and participant observations as my sources of data. Documentation will include the survey. Direct observations will be my own journal entries, and participant observations will be the field notes. I plan on using the survey data to show the overall barrier perspectives as pre- and post- tests. The fieldnotes will serve as a way to explain those results. My journal entries will be used to enhance any information found at that point.
Response 4-3
Yin (2014) proposes to develop a case study database using the six sources of data: documentation, archival records, interviews, direct observations, participant observations, and physical artifacts. The three mentioned in 4-2 are the ones that I will have access to and would fit for the question. I do not have a need for archival records to determine self-efficacy, nor would I need to collect any physical artifacts.
Yin, R. K. (2017). Case study research and applications: Design and methods (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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